General Tab (Globals)

Globals is a globally accessible PetroVR Econ model where you can define parameters shared among several projects. Typical examples are price and inflation information.

By creating input parameters of the "Global" type in an economic model you can create a link between global parameters and the economic model. Subsequent changes to the Globals are thereafter automatically reflected in the Econ model.

Only when the Use this model as default globals button or the Use as default command in the File menu is selected are the current changes to the Globals saved.

See the PetroVR Econ section for information on creation of Global variables and calculations. The only difference is that user-defined arrays cannot be defined in the Globals, the reason being that the Globals are not specific to any project start- or period settings.

As in an Econ model, probabilistic parameters can be defined in the Globals. In this case the Globals are automatically sampled in each iteration of a Monte Carlo simulation.

Globals behave differently depending on which PetroVR tool they are interacting with.

  • PetroVR Plan: If a calculation defined in Plan uses a global variable, then any change in the global will be reflected in Plan (there is no need to run the simulation to notice the change).
  • PetroVR Econ: If a calculation defined in Econ uses a global variable, then any change in the global will be reflected in Econ after calculating the model (the change is not reflected before that).
  • PetroVR Portfolio: Same as Econ, but make sure that the change went to the Portolio instance of the Globals.
  • An instance of Globals is opened when you invoke this tool from Plan, and another one when you do it from Portfolio. If a Globals is already open in one of these two applications, invoking it on the other brings to front the window (and the instance) already active.
  • It is not possible to use array inputs in global models, since array inputs are necessarily project specific, being directly related to the report periodicity and simulation span defined in the Plan General Tab. See Input Modes.

Closing the Globals Windows without Saving

If you close the Portfolio Globals window without saving, all unsaved changes are lost.

If you close the Plan Globals windows without saving, all changes remain for the rest of the Plan session.